Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Florida Cont...

Day two of fun in the sun consisted of the crew piling into the minivan and day tripping to St. Pete's to visit Ma's cousin who just happens to own a jet skiing business.

The children (Dad, Jared, and myself) reaped the rewards of the family business venture. Dad took it more as a relaxing exercise where Jared and I looked at it as a competition. Who can go faster and who is better at soaking the other.

You don't need to ask…I'm the clear winner.

Just thrilled about having to take a test as I wasn't quite old enough to be trusted. In hindsight I should have studied a tad more. I passed by the skin of my teeth.

 Open sesame!

I'll be the first to admit that I need a little work at pulling up to the dock. You just can't win em' all.

A real family affair.
Taking tests, soaking up rays, and holding on for dear life meant ice cream was the only logical reward for such a long, strenuous day.

We are a pretty easy bunch to please if you couldn't tell.

We slept quite soundly that evening. The gals decided to spend our last day working on our tans and dabbling in a little outlet mall shopping. Overall we were quite successful.

I would also like to introduce our neighborhood gator friend, Gary. Let's play where's Gary? Do you see him?

Frederick the frog was trying to find some shade.

Elizabeth the lobster.
Sun and books. My cup of tea.
Back to reality. Time to plan the next adventure.


Monday, April 21, 2014


The doctor ordered plenty of sunshine and the sound of waves crashing. It was time for a long overdue reunion. I miss my people more than words can explain.

We packed our sun block and swimsuits and hopped on our planes and headed way down South to Ft. Myers for a little R n' R.
So the trip started off very interesting. I was just hanging out in the Memphis airport, minding my own business watching a riveting episode of Scandal as I waited for the plane to begin boarding. A skinny, little gal sits down next to me to and plugs into the power dock. I look up and oh hey, it is just Anne Hathaway. I did five double takes and tried to remain as normal as possible.

After much internal conflict I thought I would stick to the calm, cool I'm above gawking at celebrities approach. If it was Jennifer Lawrence, it might have been a different story.

Apparently she was in town hosting the premiere of Rio 2 for the St. Jude's kids. And for all of those wondering if celebrities are just like us…the answer is ehhh not really. They wear sunglasses on planes.
One of the more interesting plane rides with this as the end destination. I was a happy camper.

Sorry for the short post, but the Easter Bunny and I have date. There is more of where this came from.


Monday, April 14, 2014

Brooklyn BBQ

Like I said, warmer weather means more adventures around the city. This past weekend beautiful yet again in NYC. Maddie invited me to her brother and sister-in-law's BBQ in Brooklyn Bridge Park. Check out our day.

A quick stroll through the market on our way...

Not a shabby venue for a BBQ.

Our BBQ neighbors ran out of charcoal. They brought us these interesting cookie/pastry things in return for sharing ours. They're surprisingly tasty, but look a bit like sea urchins.
Moose wants a bite too!



High on life and sunshine.

Ready to head home for the evening. What a perfect day!
