Thursday, December 19, 2013

Oreo Fixins

I have the tiniest obsession with Oreos. They are inevitably the way to my heart. I know it may shock you, but I don't particularly enjoy the Double Stuffed Oreos or any of the seasonal flavors. For me, there is no other way to go than classic.

On that note, I needed to whip together something sweet for my work family. It goes without saying that my department is the bomb dot com. They have embraced this blue blooded Yankee with open arms and are helping me to grow into a stellar employee. 

So I thought I would whip up some Oreo Truffles, made with love, of course. If you haven't had the pleasure of trying these lovely little treats then you are fixin' for a real surprise (read that with a Southern accent it will make them taste better). They really are perfect for Holiday parties, gifts for your awesome boss, lovely neighbor, friendly mail man, or chocolate loving father.

You need three ingredients…
1 pkg of cream cheese
1 pkg of Oreos
2 or 3 boxes of Bakers chocolate

Ground up your Oreos in a food processor.

Add in your softened cream cheese and blend. Good thing about living alone is that I don't have to share the chocolatey beaters. 

Pop the batter into the freezer for 10 min so it's not so sticky when you roll them into little balls. I used a cookie scooper to get even sizes. Then just roll into a ball with your hands and line up the little suckers on wax/parchment paper. Once I have them all rolled out, I put them back in the freezer for another 10 min before dipping in the chocolate.

Melt the chocolate according to the package. Drop the ball in the melted chocolate. The trick to getting it evenly coated is to spoon the chocolate all over the Oreo ball. Then, using a fork lift it out of the chocolate letting excess drip off. I then strategically balanced the chocolatey goodness between two forks where I dropped it on the wax paper to dry. It takes a little trial and error. 

Just for kicks I drizzled some melted red chocolate over the top for added effect. You can do sprinkles or cookie crumbs, whatever your heart desires.

Welcome to Bee's workshop. 

Oh fine, I snuck one (or two)! But really, can you blame me?

Enjoy these decadent little treats!


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